Loretta CR Hubley

Loretta CR Hubley’s goal is to express the special qualities of nature and to inspire
appreciative musings in the viewer. She revels in the enlivened and changing hues,
texture, shapes and value contrasts of the outdoors. Visual themes such as Above
and Below intrigue her. New England and her many travels around the globe have
created a personal library of imagery resulting in visual suites.

Loretta has won awards ranging from Best in Show to Honorable Mention and been
juried into art exhibits on both a National and International level. She was awarded
a partial Fellowship to the Vermont Studio Center and was invited to an art
residency at the Cultural Collaborative of Ghana, Africa. Her greatest love in
printmaking has been intaglio, especially etching, and her newest love in painting is
encaustic: painting with wax on wooden board.

The art of Loretta CR Hubley in printmaking and in painting has won recognition for
revealing the spiritual in nature. Her art is inspired by expressive colorists Claude
Monet and Vincent Van Gogh, her life by Kathie Kollwitz. Her art seeks to honor the
spiritual in nature. NH art critic Ellen Grimm says that Loretta’s process is
“recomposing” rather than “recreating.” She adds that Loretta is still searching for a
“hidden message.” The Telegraph’s Cynthia Jones wrote that Loretta’s “prints display
a deep appreciation of color, texture and imagery with intricate design that creates
the uniqueness of her art.” Julie Lonneman says that Loretta’s ”images are spiritually
based and beautiful.”

Loretta’s formal art training includes a special double program at the University of
Maryland with a Masters in Fine Art and a Masters in Art Education. This entailed a
solo exhibit, a written thesis, and a panel of four professors for an oral defense.
She was honored to work with Tadeusz Lapinski, a world-renowned lithographer,
during her teaching assistantship at that institution. She became an Associate Art
Professor at Madonna University outside Detroit and continued her college teaching
at Rivier University in NH.

Loretta CR Hubley is an artist member of the New Hampshire Art Association,
Cambridge Art Association, South Shore Art Association, Monotype Guild of New
England, and Women’s Caucus for Art NH. Her works are in private and public art
collections in the United States, UK, and Arab Emirates. Loretta has shown her
dedication to forwarding the cause of art in our culture by helping found the NH
chapter of the WCA and being its first Membership Coordinator, serving as
president and gallery director for the Nashua Area Art Association, serving as a NH
All-State Teacher, as a teaching artist for the NH State Council on the Arts, public
landscape painting demonstrations for the Nashua Arts Alliance at Nashua’s Keefe
Auditorium, demonstrating intaglio printmaking and watercolor painting at the
Sunapee Art Fair, organizing and speaking at An Holocaust Artist Symposium in
Michigan and oral presentation of an original paper at a Women in Art Symposium,
University of Minnesota. Loretta CR Hubley was inducted into Marquis Who’s Who
in 2023; “Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and
prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.”