Lorna Perkins

I began painting as a child and continued into my university years when I took classes during college and graduate school. I was awarded a number of prizes and recognition for my pieces, including landscapes, portraits, and still lifes. But I sadly left painting behind for many years as I raised my children and worked. With degrees in both scientific and educational fields, I have worked professionally as an editor, writer, faculty member, content developer, and learning designer although I continually felt the pull of my love for art.

Now that I have returned to this beloved pursuit, I am motivated once again to explore new directions. My hope is that others will also be inspired to appreciate the beauty in the seemingly mundane. I paint still lifes, landscapes, and abstracts, and most recently have returned to my favorite subjects of figurative painting and portraits. (I was recently awarded a semifinalist prize in Jerry’s 12th Annual Self Portrait Contest, sponsored through Jerry’s Artarama.) My favorite medium is oils, but I also work in pastels and mixed media. I am a member of the Nashua Area Artists’ Association, the Hollis Arts Society, and the Monadnock Area Artists Association.

Please reach out (lornaperkins56@gmail.com) if you are interested in commissioning a portrait.